Have you heard about Ethereum’s significant upgrade, “The Merge”? This pivotal transition in 2022, which combined the original Ethereum Mainnet (ETH1) with the Beacon Chain (ETH2), moved Ethereum from the energy-intensive “proof-of-work” model to the more efficient “proof-of-stake” consensus mechanism. This change aims to improve transaction speed, lower fees, and reduce the network’s environmental impact. In this blog we will take a deeper look into the evolution of the Ethereum Blockchain.


  1. What was Ethereum 2.0?
  2. What happened during the Ethereum Merge?
  3. How the Ethereum Merge impacted Your Investments?
  4. What’s next for Ethereum?

What was Ethereum 2.0? Definition and Introduction

Before the major upgrade in 2022, known as “The Merge,” the term “Eth2” was frequently used to discuss the future vision of Ethereum. It helped distinguish between the original Ethereum network, which used the energy-intensive “proof-of-work” (PoW) model, and the planned upgrade to a more efficient “proof-of-stake” (PoS) system.

However, after The Merge successfully integrated PoS into the main Ethereum network, the term “Eth2” became obsolete. There is no longer a separate Ethereum 2.0; it’s simply “Ethereum.”

Now, the Ethereum network operates solely on PoS, offering improved scalability, energy efficiency, and security. This transition marked a significant milestone in the evolution of Ethereum and the broader blockchain landscape.

What is Ethereum Merge?

The Ethereum Merge was a major upgrade to the Ethereum blockchain in September 2022. It marked a shift from the energy-intensive “proof-of-work” (PoW) consensus mechanism to the more efficient “proof-of-stake” (PoS).

The collaborative effort was a community-driven initiative with contributions from numerous developers, researchers, and stakeholders worldwide.

The primary reason for the Merge was to address Ethereum’s scalability and sustainability challenges. The proof-of-work (PoW) model was becoming increasingly unsustainable due to its high energy consumption and limited transaction throughput. The Merge aimed to solve these issues by transitioning to the proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism.

The Ethereum Merge was aptly named because it involved the merging of two distinct blockchains:

  1. The Mainnet: The original Ethereum blockchain operated using the proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism.
  2. The Beacon Chain: Launched in 2020, this separate blockchain ran parallel to the Mainnet and used the proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism.

The Merge represented when these two chains were combined into a single unified blockchain, now operating entirely on the PoS mechanism.

Several post-merge upgrades are planned to further enhance the network’s capabilities, including sharding (splitting the blockchain into smaller pieces for parallel processing) and other improvements.

Benefits of the Ethereum Merge

The Ethereum Merge ushered in a multitude of benefits for the Ethereum network and the broader crypto ecosystem:

1. Greener Blockchain: The most significant advantage was the drastic reduction in energy consumption. By switching to proof-of-stake (PoS), Ethereum slashed its energy use by approximately 99.95%, making it significantly more environmentally friendly.

2. Increased Security: The Merge is believed to have enhanced Ethereum’s security. The PoS mechanism is considered more resistant to certain types of attacks, such as 51% attacks, compared to proof-of-work (PoW).

3. Deflationary Pressure on ETH: With the reduction in ETH issuance due to the PoS model, there is a potential for ETH to become a deflationary asset. This means the supply of ETH could decrease over time, potentially increasing its value.

4. Enhanced Scalability: The Merge paved the way for future scalability upgrades, such as sharding, which are expected to significantly increase Ethereum’s transaction throughput and reduce fees.

5. Greater Accessibility for Stakers: PoS allows more users to participate in the network by staking their ETH and earning rewards. This has led to increased decentralization and wider participation in the Ethereum ecosystem.

6. Boosted DeFi: The improved efficiency and lower transaction fees resulting from the Merge have made decentralized finance (DeFi) applications on Ethereum more accessible and scalable. This has fueled further innovation and growth in the DeFi space.

Overall, the Merge has positioned Ethereum for a more sustainable, secure, and scalable future, with far-reaching benefits for both users and developers. It marks a significant milestone in the evolution of blockchain technology and its potential to transform various industries.

How Ethereum Merge Impacts Your Investments

By transitioning to “proof-of-stake,” Ethereum is becoming more energy-efficient, potentially leading to lower transaction fees and a more sustainable network. This could increase the value of Ether (ETH) over time, making it a more attractive investment. 

Additionally, the Merge sets the stage for future upgrades like sharding, which aims to enhance scalability and speed up transactions. While the immediate impact on ETH price is uncertain, the long-term benefits of a more efficient and eco-friendly Ethereum network could be substantial for investors.

Ethereum Merge: Makes History, Sparks Celebration, But Leaves ETH Price Unmoved

Founders’ Reactions: Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin expressed immense pride and gratitude towards the community for their efforts in making the Merge a success. He emphasized the significance of the Merge as a pivotal moment for the Ethereum ecosystem, opening up new possibilities for the blockchain’s future.

Other key figures in the Ethereum Foundation also shared their excitement and optimism for the Merge’s potential impact on the network’s security, scalability, and sustainability.

Community Reactions: The Ethereum community excitedly celebrated the Merge. Key figures gathered for a livestream party, and Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin expressed his pride. The sentiment of joy resonated throughout the crypto community.

Media Reactions: The Ethereum Merge dominated media headlines, with many outlets hailing it as “one of the most significant events in crypto in 2022” and a “major Ethereum upgrade.” CoinDesk confirmed the Merge’s success after 15 minutes, marking a new era for the blockchain. The media emphasized the Merge’s potential security, scalability, and sustainability benefits.

Price Impact of the Merge

Ether (ETH) prices did not surge after the Merger but instead dipped around 15% in the following weeks. This was likely due to profit-taking and broader market concerns. However, in the long term, the Merger’s benefits could lead to ETH price appreciation.

Ethereum: Pre-Merge vs. Post-Merge

FeatureEthereum (Pre-Merge)Ethereum (Post-Merge)
Consensus MechanismProof-of-Work (PoW)Proof-of-Stake (PoS)
ScalabilityLimited (20-30 TPS)Upgrades in progress to increase TPS
SecurityHigh (51% attack resistance)High (Different model, ongoing development)
Energy ConsumptionHighSignificantly Lower
Transaction FeesVariable (often high)Lower and more predictable
Environmental ImpactHighSignificantly Lower
Staking ParticipationNot applicableAvailable (earn rewards)
OverallEstablished, but limitedMore efficient, scalable, sustainable

BTC vs ETH: Before and After the Merge

FeatureBitcoinEthereum (Pre-Merge)Ethereum (Post-Merge)
Consensus MechanismProof-of-Work (PoW)Proof-of-Work (PoW)Proof-of-Stake (PoS)
Energy ConsumptionHighHighSignificantly Lower
Environmental ImpactHighHighSignificantly Lower
Transaction FeesVariable (often high)Variable (often high)Lower and more predictable
Staking ParticipationNot applicableNot applicableAvailable (earn rewards)
Issuance RateN/A (fixed schedule)HigherLower

Ethereum 2.0 and Layer 2 Scaling

The Ethereum Merge, which transitioned Ethereum from Proof-of-Work (PoW) to Proof-of-Stake (PoS), is not directly related to Layer 2 (L2) scaling, a separate approach designed specifically to enhance Ethereum’s transaction throughput and reduce fees.

The Merge was a consensus-level change, altering how the network agrees on the validity of transactions and the creation of new blocks. While it made Ethereum more energy-efficient and laid the groundwork for future scaling upgrades, it didn’t immediately solve the network’s throughput limitations.

Layer 2 scaling solutions, on the other hand, operate on top of the Ethereum mainnet (Layer 1). They bundle multiple transactions together and process them off-chain, only submitting the final results back to the mainnet. This significantly increases transaction speed and reduces fees without compromising Ethereum’s security.

However, the Merge indirectly supports Layer 2 scaling in a few ways:

  1. Lower Gas Fees: By reducing energy consumption, the Merge contributed to lower transaction fees on the Ethereum mainnet. This makes using L2 solutions even more cost-effective.
  2. Data Availability: The Merge introduced a new type of data called “blobs” that can be attached to blocks. This is specifically designed to make L2 solutions like rollups even cheaper and more efficient.
  3. Shared Security: L2 solutions inherit the security of the Ethereum mainnet. The Merge’s transition to PoS is believed to enhance this security further.

The Merge and L2 scaling are complementary strategies to improve Ethereum’s scalability. While the Merge laid the foundation, L2 solutions are the current focus for achieving higher throughput and lower fees in the short term.

Also check Top Ethereum (ETH) ecosystem coins & market statistics

Ethereum Roadmap Explained

Back in December 2023, Vitalik Buterin had put across a Roadmap of Ethereum in Twitter(now X) on popular demand.

Ethereum 2.0: The Merge and Beyond – A New Era for Ethereum and the Crypto World

Ethereum Roadmap Shared by founder Vitalik Buterin

This comprehensive roadmap for the network’s evolution, consisted of phases like “The Merge,” “The Surge,” and so on.  Each phase targeted specific improvements, from transitioning to Proof-of-Stake (The Merge) to enhancing scalability through techniques like sharding (The Surge). While the terminology might have changed to be more user-friendly, the underlying vision remains consistent with Buterin’s initial roadmap.  The focus is still on making Ethereum more scalable, secure, and efficient for everyday users.

Here are the Focus points of the Ethereum Roadmap–

  1. Cheaper Transactions: Ethereum is working on making transactions cheaper by bundling them together and improving its technology. This will reduce fees and make Ethereum more affordable for everyone.
  2. Extra Security: Ethereum is constantly improving its security to protect users and their assets. New features like better control over staked funds, stronger defenses against attacks, and increased decentralization are being implemented.
  3. Better User Experience: Ethereum wants to be as easy to use as regular apps. This means getting rid of complicated seed phrases, making it simpler to run a node (a way to connect to the network), and creating more user-friendly wallets.
  4. Future Proofing: Ethereum is preparing for the future by working on technology that can resist attacks from powerful quantum computers. It’s also making its code simpler and more efficient to ensure long-term stability and security.


The Ethereum network’s ongoing evolution, marked by The Merge and its ambitious roadmap, mirrors the broader cryptocurrency landscape’s commitment to innovation and growth. With a focus on cheaper transactions, enhanced security, improved user experience, and future-proofing, Ethereum, like many cryptocurrencies, is paving the way for a more accessible and sustainable financial ecosystem. 

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1. Is Ethereum and Ethereum 2.0 the same coin?

Ethereum 2.0 was a term used to describe the planned upgrade of the Ethereum network. However, since the successful completion of the Merge in 2022, there is no longer a separate Ethereum 2.0. The network is simply called Ethereum, and the original coin (ETH) remains the same.

2. What is the difference between Eth1 and Eth2?

Eth1 and Eth2 were terms used to distinguish between the original Ethereum blockchain (Eth1) using Proof-of-Work and the newer, more efficient Proof-of-Stake chain (Eth2). With the Merge, these two chains have combined into a single Ethereum network using Proof-of-Stake.

3. Is ETH a good investment?

Whether ETH is a good investment depends on your individual financial goals and risk tolerance. As with any investment, it’s crucial to do your research and understand the potential risks and rewards. 

4. How will the Ethereum upgrade affect price?

The Ethereum upgrade, also known as the Merge, has already occurred in 2022. Its long-term effects on ETH’s price are still unfolding. The upgrade introduced several changes, including a shift to Proof-of-Stake, which could make ETH a deflationary asset.

Krishnanunni H M
Senior Writer

Krishnan is a Bangalore-based crypto writer dedicated to simplifying complex crypto concepts. He covers blockchain, DeFi, and NFTs, with a focus on real-world asset tokenization and digital trust. Previously he has written on Real Estate related assets for NoBroker. Krishnan holds a B.Tech degree from the College of Engineering Trivandrum.

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