SushiSwap (SUSHI) Price Prediction 2025-2030
SushiSwap(SUSHI) is a cryptocurrency with a current price of 1.64685534107027 and through this article we aim to find a price prediction for all the coming years from 2025 to 2030 for SUSHI. The article will give you a clear picture of year by year growth in the price as projected using technical analysis filters and other market condition considerations. The market cap of SUSHI is currently 388851104.389982 with a daily trading volume of 46660145.7079808.
Year | Min | Avg | Max |
2025 | 1.875589 | 2.399981 | 3.117563 |
2026 | 2.844343 | 3.662732 | 4.62528 |
2027 | 4.047968 | 5.533778 | 6.659918 |
2028 | 2.56324 | 4.640998 | 6.483884 |
2029 | 3.860353 | 6.613104 | 9.685407 |
2030 | 7.347658 | 10.223949 | 14.947734 |
SushiSwap (SUSHI) Price Prediction 2025
The price prediction of SushiSwap (SUSHI) for 2025 is $2.399981 according to its technical indicators as of April 2024. Based on the analysis of its price history and other technical factors, SushiSwap can go from a minimum value of $1.875589 the the maximum value of $3.117563 during the same period. Although these prices might differ a lot based on several market factors and it is highly advised to do your own research and exercise caution before investing.
SushiSwap (SUSHI) Price Prediction 2026
The price prediction of SushiSwap (SUSHI) for 2026 is $3.662732 according to its technical indicators as of April 2024. Based on the analysis of its price history and other technical factors, SushiSwap can go from a minimum value of $2.844343 the the maximum value of $4.62528 during the same period. Although these prices might differ a lot based on several market factors and it is highly advised to do your own research and exercise caution before investing.
SushiSwap (SUSHI) Price Prediction 2027
The price prediction of SushiSwap (SUSHI) for 2027 is $5.533778 according to its technical indicators as of April 2024. Based on the analysis of its price history and other technical factors, SushiSwap can go from a minimum value of $4.047968 the the maximum value of $6.659918 during the same period. Although these prices might differ a lot based on several market factors and it is highly advised to do your own research and exercise caution before investing.
SushiSwap (SUSHI) Price Prediction 2028
The price prediction of SushiSwap (SUSHI) for 2028 is $4.640998 according to its technical indicators as of April 2024. Based on the analysis of its price history and other technical factors, SushiSwap can go from a minimum value of $2.56324 the the maximum value of $6.483884 during the same period. Although these prices might differ a lot based on several market factors and it is highly advised to do your own research and exercise caution before investing.
SushiSwap (SUSHI) Price Prediction 2029
The price prediction of SushiSwap (SUSHI) for 2029 is $6.613104 according to its technical indicators as of April 2024. Based on the analysis of its price history and other technical factors, SushiSwap can go from a minimum value of $3.860353 the the maximum value of $9.685407 during the same period. Although these prices might differ a lot based on several market factors and it is highly advised to do your own research and exercise caution before investing.
SushiSwap (SUSHI) Price Prediction 2030
The price prediction of SushiSwap (SUSHI) for 2030 is $10.223949 according to its technical indicators as of April 2024. Based on the analysis of its price history and other technical factors, SushiSwap can go from a minimum value of $7.347658 the the maximum value of $14.947734 during the same period. Although these prices might differ a lot based on several market factors and it is highly advised to do your own research and exercise caution before investing.