With years passing, the cryptocurrency market is capturing more space and attention from different audiences, financial institutions, significant investors, and law enforcement agencies. Trading on crypto is becoming very difficult to ignore. 

The Bitcoin market is still the leader with larger capitalisation, greater decentralisation and a larger network size. However, for a long time, the project which succeeds Bitcoin, and the second largest crypto has stood out and also supported the creation of other tokens in this domain. Yes, we are talking about Ethereum

The Ethereum coin arrived in the market in 2013 with a proposal to allow newer features in the blockchain technology and expand the possibilities which are started by the Bitcoin network. It also increases the potential of disruption in various industries, especially that of finance. 

However, the legal status of Ethereum in the Indian crypton market has still been unclear. As far of now, the only move made by the government is to impose 30% tax on the profit generated from crypto transactions besides 1% TDS on the virtual digital assets. There has been mixed reactions from the traders and the investors regarding the tax slabs. But, it has not stopped the enthusiasts from trading on cryptocurrencies in India. 

Key Takeaways

  • A brief introduction to ethereum cryptocurrency and its history.
  • Knowing how ethereum work in the crypto world.
  • Learning about the present status of crypto trading in India.
  • In-depth explanation on whether ethereum trading in India is legal or not.

History of Ethereum

Ethereum was established by Vitalik Buterin, who also co-founded Bitcoin Magazine while working as a programmer in 2011. His main aim was to form a platform focusing on financial use and several other applications like smart contracts. Buterin published a white paper in general script language to give life to his imagination. 

He envisioned of Ethereum being used for other functions besides being used as a trading crypto asset. This project started in 2015 when Vitalik Buterin and Jose Lubin launched Ethereum, then known as Frontier. Ethereum followed a funds drive through crowd sourcing campaigns to support the platform that began in 2014.

Some uncertain conditions, such as cybercrime, almost destabilized Ethereum when a group of decentralized autonomous organization networks stole around $50 million worth of Ethers. DAO’s raid took advantage of the platform that allowed third-party transactions in decentralized projects and caused chaos in the Ethereum community. 

A few of the Ethereum community agreed to retain the infiltrated Ethereum Blockchain while others moved to the improved version of the platform Ether ( ETH ). Since then, Ethereum has never turned back and became a formidable contender for the first spot. And in terms of market capitalization, Ethereum is currently second after Bitcoin.

Overview of Ethereum

1. What is Ethereum?

Ethereum is an open source and public platform that allows the developers to create and deploy decentralised applications. It establishes the concept of smart contracts which are self executing contracts having pre-defined rules. Ethereum also has its own native crypto which is called Ether, also written as ETH in short.

2. Consensus Mechanism

Ethereum uses Proof of Stake mecahnsim also called Ethereum 2.0. The PoS technology relies on the validators who lock up a certain amount of crypto to create new blocks and validate the transactions. This mechanism proves to be more efficient compared to the Proof of Work Mechanism which was previously used by Ethereum. 

3. Smart Contracts

Ethereum is known for introducing smart contracts. The self-executing contracts automatically enforce the terms and conditions specified within a contract role. The developers can quickly write smart contracts using Solidity. Solodity is Ethereum’s programming language, where the smart contracts are written and deployed onto the Ethereum network.

4. Privacy and Security

Ethereum’s public and open nature means that all the smart contracts and transactions are visible to every participant in the network. While the cryptographic techniques ensure security, Ethereum’s public nature might not be ideal for scenarios needing strict privacy. 

5. Network’s Governance

The governance model of Ethereum has evolved and raised decisions and discussions within the Ethereum community. Ethereum Improvement Proposals are used to upgrade the network and propose the changes. The decisions are made based on the rough consensus among the stakeholders and the developers.

6. Use Cases

Ethereum is primarily used for decentralized applications, decentralized finance applications and Initial Coin offerings. Ethereum has gained popularity as a platform for establishing new tokens and cryptos and enabling fundraising through the ICOs. It also facilitates decentralized trading, lending and others.

How Does Ethereum Work?

Ethereum uses blockchain technology to support all the cryptocurrency transactions. It is a combination of blocks containing the transactions information on the platform that forms a long chain. The information in the block can be transferred to every new blockchain that are established on the network and it includes the latest data on it.

Blockchain has a built-in security feature called consensus that prevents any changes from being made to the blocks. Additionally, a program that operates automatically uses consensus to verify the legitimacy of the transactions. The data from earlier blocks is encrypted and transferred to the new block when the miners create a new blockchain.

For the safety of the miners, the Ethereum users can access the cryptocurrency store in the blockchains through their respective wallets. It is a vital component of trading Ethereum because it holds a private key that is used to unlock the wallet.

Cryptocurrency in India

Indian has been very active in the global cryptocurrency market. The country comes in first position in terms of the number of cryptocurrency users and second in terms of cryptocurrency adoption. And India is home to multiple crypto exchanges through which the investors and the traders can trade on the cryptocurrencies. Mudrex is one such platform where traders can trade on their favorite cryptocurrency.

And according to recent surveys, it can be concluded that the cryptocurrency market in India is on the rise. And it is the advancement of technology that has led to this rise. India has also developed some blockchain concept games where traders learn how to unlock some great crypto features for successful trading. Massive transaction volumes on the crypto exchanges have also contributed to this growth. Traders can also make transactions across the borders with Ethereum, with minimal transaction fees.

Is Ethereum Trading and Mining Legal in India?

The government of India does not yet regulate the trade of Ethereum. Cryptocurrencies like Ethereum are not yet a legal tender in the country. However, they are mined and traded within a legal gray area. Ethereum mining still remains unregulated in India. But, talk are going between the stakeholders and the Indian government on how to regulate cryptocurrency mining. 

But, presently, there exists no regulations that bars the mining of Ethereum in India. However, the Indian government has made it clear that all the transactions associated with cryptocurrency mining cannot be claimed as deductions under the Income Tax Act.


The legality of Ethereum remains uncertain in India due to the absence of clear regulatory guidelines. While it operates in a Gray Area, there is no legal ban on Ethereum or other cryptocurrencies. The legal challenges and regulatory developments continue to shape the landscape, influencing the users’ and businesses’ practices and perceptions.

With the evolving regulatory framework, the stakeholders should stay informed and adapt to ensure compliance and eliminate risks. Ethereum’s potential benefits and innovative technology underscore the importance of regulatory stability and clarity to foster sustainable and responsible adoption in the country.

Mudrex is a trusted and legal cryptocurrency platform where you can trade on cryptocurrencies and even on Ethereum. The platform has its app on the Play Store. So, users can simply download the Mudrex App from the Play Store and start trading and investing in Ethereum.


  1. Is Ethereum mining banned in India?

Crypto mining in India operates within a legal gray area. The government has not yet banned crypto mining but has also not provided clear guidelines regarding its legality. Therefore, Ethereum mining is not banned in India and traders or the investors can mine Ethereum.

  1. Is Ethereum Accepted in India?

Yes, Ethereum is legal and accepted in India. Users can purchase and sell Ethereum through the crypto trading exchanges in India. There are different exchanges that facilitates the buying and selling of cryptocurrencies including Ethereum.

  1. Can Indian companies legally accepted Ethereum as a form of payment for goods and services?

The legality of accepting Ethereum as a payment for goods and services is not clearly defined in India. While there is no specific bans on Ethereum, the Indian companies must navigate through the potential challenges and regulatory uncertainties related to accounting and taxation for the cryptocurrency transactions.

  1. Are there any taxes on Ethereum transactions in India?

The taxation on Ethereum transactions and other cryptocurrencies in India is subject to interpretation under the existing tax laws. Presently, the cryptocurrencies are often treated as assets for tax purposes, with gains and losses from the transactions that are subject to capital gains tax. Specific guidelines and clarities on the tax rules from the authorities are awaited.

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