Mudrex is live with the Great Indian T20 League, where you can participate and win a BMW bike, an iPhone, or a boAt earphones, starting today! All you need to do is just make three simple predictions. We know will have many questions in your mind, and we’re here to answer exactly that.
How do I participate in this contest?
- If you are new to Mudrex, sign up to participate in the contest. If you are already a user, go on and make your predictions.
- Verify your phone number to lock your responses.
- Once the match concludes, a leaderboard is generated.
- Your ranking on the leaderboard is decided by the total points you have earned during the match.
- There are exciting rewards if you rank up in the top 100 people on the leaderboard.

How is my score/points calculated?
- For each correct prediction in the contest, you earn 5 points.
- You will also earn 5 extra points when your referred friends start to play their first contest.
So, keep referring and playing along with your friends to increase your chances to make it to the top!
What do I win if I am in the top 100 on the leaderboard?
If you make it to the top 100 of every match, here is what you get.
A pair of boAt headphones!

- Rank 1 — a pair of boAt headphones
- Rank 2 – 10 — $10
- Rank 11-20 — $5
- Rank 20-50 — $2
- Rank 50-100 — $1
All the monetary rewards will be credited to your Mudrex wallet.
What happens to my points after the match is over?
- The points you earned by either making correct predictions or referring to your friends, get carried forward to your weekly and season leaderboards.
- At the end of each week, a weekly leaderboard is announced.
- Your ranking on this leaderboard is decided according to the points you earned during the week.
What do I win if I top the weekly leaderboard?
If you make it to the top 100 on the weekly leaderboard, here is what you get.
A brand new iPhone 13!

- Rank 1– iPhone 13
- Rank 2 — a pair of boAt headphones
- Rank 3 — a pair of boAt headphones
- Rank 4-10 — $25
- Rank 11-20 — $15
- Rank 20-50 — $10
- Rank 50-100 — $5
What do I get if I top the season leaderboard?
If you make it to the top 100 on the season leaderboard, here is what you get.
And spanking new BMW G310R!

- Rank 1 — BMW G310R
- Rank 2 — iPhone 13
- Rank 3 — iPhone 11
- Rank 4-10 — $100
- Rank 11 – 20 — $50
- Rank 20 -50 — $25
- Rank 51-100 — $10
How do I use these rewards?
- All the physical rewards like headphones, iPhone, BMW GS310R will be delivered to you after verifying your identity.
- All the monetary rewards won during the daily, and weekly contests will be credited to your Mudrex wallet.
- You can use the rewards to invest in Coin Sets, Algos and Mints.
Does the money credit to my Mudrex wallet for real?
- Absolutely yes! All the monetary rewards won during the daily, and weekly contests will be directly credited to your Mudrex wallet.
- You can use that money to invest in any of our crypto products like Coin Sets, Algo, Mints.
What if my investments take a hit?
- You don’t have to worry about that. All the loss on your investments is ours, and all the profit is yours!
So what is the wait for? Predict and win here now!