1 NEXO equals 1.338 USDT. In the past 24 hours, the value of 1 Nexo has increased by NaN% when compared to its exchange rate with Tether USDt. Currently, the market capitalization of Nexo is $859,714,140.73, and that of Tether USDt is $0.
What is 1 NEXO to USDT today?
The current conversion rate from NEXO to USDT is 1.338, The USDT to NEXO conversion rate today is 0.7474 NEXO. Conversely, this means if you convert 1 USDT, you will receive 0.7474 NEXO. The NEXO/USDT conversion rate has increased by NaN% in the last 24 hours.
Conversion Table
0.01 NEXO | 0.01338 USDT |
0.1 NEXO | 0.1338 USDT |
1 NEXO | 1.338 USDT |
10 NEXO | 13.38 USDT |
100 NEXO | 133.80 USDT |
0.01 USDT | 0.007474 NEXO |
0.1 USDT | 0.07474 NEXO |
1 USDT | 0.7474 NEXO |
10 USDT | 7.474 NEXO |
100 USDT | 74.74 NEXO |
NEXO to USDT Last 7 Day Prices
Historical Value of Nexo
Months | 1 NEXO to USDT |
NEXO Prices in different Currencies
NEXO/EUR | 1.284 EUR |
NEXO/GBP | 1.070 GBP |
NEXO/INR | 113.66 INR |
NEXO/JPY | 209.33 JPY |
NEXO/USD | 1.338 USD |
Market Insights
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Frequently Asked Questions
How much is 1 NEXO to USDT?
The current price of 1 NEXO to USDT is 1.34 USDT.Mudrex provides you the best NEXO to USDT conversion rates in real-time.
Can I swap NEXO for USDT?
Yes, you can swap NEXO for USDT on Mudrex. Mudrex gives you the best conversion rate & lowest fee for trading NEXO to USDT in India.
How to sell NEXO for USDT?
You can easily sell NEXO to USDT using Mudrex. To sell NEXO for USDT on Mudrex, first, sign up and create an account. Then, deposit NEXO to your Mudrex account. Next, select the NEXO coin, choose the sell option, and enter the amount of NEXO to sell. Confirm the transaction, and you'll receive the equivalent amount in USDT instantly in your Mudrex wallet.
Is there a fee to convert NEXO to USDT?
Yes, there is a fee for converting NEXO to USDT. Mudrex offers the best spot trading fee for this conversion.
How to buy NEXO with USDT?
To buy NEXO with USDT on Mudrex, sign up and create an account. Add funds to your wallet using UPI or instant bank transfer these funds will be stored as USDT. Then, navigate to the "Coins" section and buy NEXO with your desired amount.
How do I convert my NEXO to USDT?
To convert NEXO to USDT on Mudrex, sign up, go to the NEXO section, choose "Sell" enter the amount, and confirm. The USDT will be credited to your Mudrex wallet.