1 BNB equals 1,346.601 MANA. In the past 24 hours, the value of 1 BNB has increased by NaN% when compared to its exchange rate with Decentraland. Currently, the market capitalization of BNB is $102,161,256,173.53, and that of Decentraland is $1,011,739,542.15.
What is 1 BNB to MANA today?
The current conversion rate from BNB to MANA is 1,346.601, The MANA to BNB conversion rate today is 0.0007426 BNB. Conversely, this means if you convert 1 MANA, you will receive 0.0007426 BNB. The BNB/MANA conversion rate has increased by NaN% in the last 24 hours.
Conversion Table
0.01 BNB | 13.47 MANA |
0.1 BNB | 134.66 MANA |
1 BNB | 1,346.601 MANA |
10 BNB | 13,466.01 MANA |
100 BNB | 134,660.102 MANA |
0.01 MANA | 0.000007426 BNB |
0.1 MANA | 0.00007426 BNB |
1 MANA | 0.0007426 BNB |
10 MANA | 0.007426 BNB |
100 MANA | 0.07426 BNB |
BNB to MANA Last 7 Day Prices
Historical Value of BNB
Months | 1 BNB to MANA |
BNB Prices in different Currencies
BNB/EUR | 689.80 EUR |
BNB/GBP | 583.13 GBP |
BNB/INR | 61,570.50 INR |
BNB/JPY | 111,136.959 JPY |
BNB/USD | 711.14 USD |
Market Insights
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Not available
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Not available
Not available
Not available
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the current 1 BNB to MANA conversion rate?
1 BNB is currently worth ₹1,23,617.97 MANA. This means that you can convert 1 BNB into ₹1,23,617.97 MANA at the current BNB to MANA exchange rate.
How do I calculate or convert BNB to MANA?
You can use our BNB to MANA calculator at the top of this page to convert any amount of BNB to MANA. We've also created a couple of quick reference tables for the most popular conversions.
What affects the BNB to MANA conversion rate?
The BNB to MANA conversion rate can change due to factors like how much people want them, how rare they are, what investors feel, media attention, and more.
How can I buy 1 BNB on Mudrex?
Check out our guide to get more detailed instructions on how to buy BNB.