24H Low ₹0.64
24H High ₹0.69
Price of EVER today
The current live price of EVER today is ₹0.65, with a 24-hour trading volume of ₹2,98,54,818.75. Our EVER to INR price is updated in real-time. EVER has seen a decrease of -6.69% in the last 24 hours. With a live market cap of ₹1,28,14,40,282.27 , the circulating supply is at 1,985,523,482 EVER coins, with a maximum supply of 2,117,524,486EVER coins.
Everscale Price History
Date Comparison | Amount Change | % Change |
Today | -₹0.04 | 5.8% |
7 Days | -₹0.14 | 17.55% |
30 Days | -₹0.36 | 35.91% |
1 Year | -₹3.21 | 83.26% |
Everscale Price Information
Price Change (1hr)
Price Change (24hr)
Price Change (7d)
Everscale Market Stats
Market Cap
Fully Diluted Market Cap
24hr Volume
Circulating Supply
1985523482 EVER
Total Supply
2117524486 EVER
Returns Calculator
Investment Amount
Investment Period
EVER to Converter


Price as per 12:33 AM • 13 Mar 2025
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What is the price of Everscale (EVER)?
The current price of Everscale (EVER) in INR is ₹0.65 INR.
What is the current EVER market cap?
The current market capitalization of Everscale (EVER) is ₹1,28,14,40,282.27 INR. This value represents the total market value of all coins in circulation, calculated by multiplying the current price of EVER by the number of coins in circulation.
What is the current supply of Everscale (EVER)?
The current supply of Everscale (EVER) is 1985523482 EVER. This figure represents the total number of coins that have been mined and are currently in circulation.
What is the 24 trading volume of Everscale (EVER)?
The 24-hour trading volume of Everscale (EVER) in INR is ₹2,98,54,818.75. This figure represents the total value of all EVER transactions across various exchanges within the last 24 hours.
How to Buy Everscale (EVER) in India?
To buy Everscale (EVER) via Mudrex, simply sign up and create an account on their platform. Proceed by completing the KYC process to verify your identity. Once verified, deposit funds into your account using the available methods. With your account funded, you're all set to start investing in EVER.
Can I buy Everscale (EVER) with UPI?
Yes, you can buy Everscale (EVER) with UPI on Mudrex, which accepts payments through popular UPI apps like Paytm, PhonePe, and Google Pay, offering a convenient and quick way to invest.
How to Convert Everscale (EVER) to Indian Rupee (INR)?
To convert Everscale (EVER) to Indian Rupee (INR), you can use our EVER/INR conversion rates in real time.