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NEAR Protocol





24H Low ₹230.06

24H High ₹260.22

Price of NEAR today

The current live price of NEAR today is ₹236.77, with a 24-hour trading volume of ₹18,41,06,86,389.64. Our NEAR to INR price is updated in real-time. NEAR has seen a decrease of -9.33% in the last 24 hours. With a live market cap of ₹2,81,23,72,38,782.59 , the circulating supply is at 1,189,708,905 NEAR coins, with a maximum supply of 1,239,226,744NEAR coins.

NEAR Protocol Price History

Date ComparisonAmount Change% Change


7 Days-₹65.93


30 Days-₹59.40


1 Year-₹377.64


NEAR Protocol Price Information

Price Change (1hr)


Price Change (24hr)


Price Change (7d)


NEAR Protocol Market Stats

Market Cap


Fully Diluted Market Cap


24hr Volume



Circulating Supply

1189708905 NEAR

Total Supply

1239226744 NEAR

Things to know about NEAR Protocol

What is NEAR Protocol?

NEAR Protocol is a decentralized blockchain platform that provides a scalable, developer-friendly infrastructure for building decentralized applications (dApps). It aims to enable mass adoption of blockchain technology by offering a user-friendly and efficient ecosystem for developers and end-users alike.NEAR Protocol utilizes a unique sharding mechanism called Nightshade to achieve high scalability.

Things to consider before buying NEAR Protocol

1B tokens were introduced with the genesis in 2020. The NEAR token is inflationary, with 5% additional supply from the staking process.

Attracting developers to build on NEAR and gaining user traction for decentralized applications may take time and significant effort.

NEAR Protocol is a relatively new blockchain platform; its adoption and real-world use cases may still be limited.

Reasons to buy NEAR Protocol

NEAR aims to be developer-friendly and scalable by providing an environment familiar to developers from traditional web and app development backgrounds.

NEAR Protocol is designed to keep transaction fees low, making it more cost-effective for developers and users

NEAR uses a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism called Doomslug, which aims to be energy-efficient while providing fast and secure block validation.

Returns Calculator

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Investment Amount

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NEAR to Converter






Price as per 07:47 AM • 10 Mar 2025

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Frequently asked questions about buying NEAR Protocol in India

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What is the price of NEAR Protocol (NEAR)?

The current price of NEAR Protocol (NEAR) in INR is ₹236.77 INR.

What is the current NEAR market cap?

The current market capitalization of NEAR Protocol (NEAR) is ₹2,81,23,72,38,782.59 INR. This value represents the total market value of all coins in circulation, calculated by multiplying the current price of NEAR by the number of coins in circulation.

What is the current supply of NEAR Protocol (NEAR)?

The current supply of NEAR Protocol (NEAR) is 1189708905 NEAR. This figure represents the total number of coins that have been mined and are currently in circulation.

What is the 24 trading volume of NEAR Protocol (NEAR)?

The 24-hour trading volume of NEAR Protocol (NEAR) in INR is ₹18,41,06,86,389.64. This figure represents the total value of all NEAR transactions across various exchanges within the last 24 hours.

How to Buy NEAR Protocol (NEAR) in India?

To buy NEAR Protocol (NEAR) via Mudrex, simply sign up and create an account on their platform. Proceed by completing the KYC process to verify your identity. Once verified, deposit funds into your account using the available methods. With your account funded, you're all set to start investing in NEAR.

Can I buy NEAR Protocol (NEAR) with UPI?

Yes, you can buy NEAR Protocol (NEAR) with UPI on Mudrex, which accepts payments through popular UPI apps like Paytm, PhonePe, and Google Pay, offering a convenient and quick way to invest.

How to Convert NEAR Protocol (NEAR) to Indian Rupee (INR)?

To convert NEAR Protocol (NEAR) to Indian Rupee (INR), you can use our NEAR/INR conversion rates in real time.

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