24H Low ₹1.60
24H High ₹1.68
Price of IOTX today
The current live price of IOTX today is ₹1.65, with a 24-hour trading volume of ₹1,22,94,76,162.43. Our IOTX to INR price is updated in real-time. IOTX has seen a decrease of -0.74% in the last 24 hours. With a live market cap of ₹15,65,32,53,515.65 , the circulating supply is at 9,441,369,057 IOTX coins, with a maximum supply of 10,000,000,000IOTX coins.
IoTeX Price History
Date Comparison | Amount Change | % Change |
Today | ₹0.00448 | 0.27% |
7 Days | -₹0.14 | 8.01% |
30 Days | -₹1.28 | 43.66% |
1 Year | -₹3.40 | 67.27% |
IoTeX Price Information
Price Change (1hr)
Price Change (24hr)
Price Change (7d)
IoTeX Market Stats
Market Cap
Fully Diluted Market Cap
24hr Volume
Circulating Supply
9441369057 IOTX
Total Supply
10000000000 IOTX
Things to know about IoTeX
What is the token?
IoTeX (IOTX) is the native token of the IoTeX network, a Layer-1 blockchain platform compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).
It is used to reward block-producers and stakeholders for network maintenance and security through voting and staking and for paying gas fees for transactions.
The total supply of IOTX is capped at 10 billion tokens.
IOTX employs a “Burn-Drop” mechanism, a deflationary process designed to reduce the circulating supply over time by burning and airdropping tokens to incentivise network growth and reward long-term stakers.
Market Data
As of today #{today’s date}, the price of IoTeX is ₹1.65 INR or 0.01845 USD, with a 24-hour trading volume of 13721832.17 USD. The market capitalisation for IoTeX is 174701490.13USD. The circulating supply is 9441369057 IoTeX, with the total supply also being 9441369062 IoTeX.
Token Pros and Cons
Central to the operation and security of the IoTeX network.
Features a deflationary mechanism, potentially increasing its value over time.
Enables governance participation, offering token holders a voice in network decisions.
Subject to market volatility.
The token’s success is closely linked to the adoption and success of the IoTeX network.
Why Should You Invest in IOTX?
Investment in IOTX is compelling due to the growing Internet of Things (IoT) sector, the token’s deflationary mechanism, and the strong background of the IoTeX team, indicating potential project success.
USP of the coin
IOTX’s unique selling point is its crucial role in the IoTeX network’s mission to empower the Internet of Trusted Things, facilitating a decentralised platform for secure and private human-machine interactions.
Problem the coin is solving
IOTX addresses the issues of trust and privacy within the IoT sector, aiming to secure and privatise IoT device data through blockchain technology, thereby incentivising network growth and security.
Founder and Team Background
Founded in 2017 by Raullen Chai, former Head of Cryptography at Uber, and Qevan Guo, a former Facebook Product Lead in Machine Learning, the IoTeX team consists of over 40 research scientists and engineers.
ICO Price
The ICO price of IOTX was $0.0083, with the token sale occurring in 2018.
Risks Associated in Investing in the Coin
Investing in IOTX involves risks like market volatility. It depends on the IoTeX network's success, which is in an early development stage, posing a risk to achieving project goals and impacting token value.
Whitepaper Insights
epaper outlines the project’s vision to empower the Internet of Trusted Things, an open ecosystem where humans and machines can interact with guaranteed trust and privacy. The IOTX token plays a crucial role in this ecosystem, being used to reward block-producers for maintaining the network and stakeholders for securing the network through voting for delegates and staking their tokens. The token is also used to pay for gas fees for transactions within the network.
The whitepaper introduces the concept of “Burn-Drop” tokenomics, a deflationary mechanism that involves burning and airdropping IOTX to incentivise network growth and reward long-term stakers. This mechanism is designed to decrease the circulating supply of IOTX over time, potentially increasing its value.
The IoTeX network is built to be compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), allowing it to host a variety of decentralised applications (dApps). The network leverages blockchain technology to ensure the security and privacy of data from IoT devices, addressing a key challenge in the IoT sector.
The whitepaper also highlights the strong team behind IoTeX, which includes former employees of Uber and Facebook with expertise in cryptography, machine learning, and blockchain technology. The team’s background and expertise are seen as key factors in the project’s potential for success.
Overall, the IoTeX whitepaper presents a compelling vision for a secure, private, and decentralised IoT ecosystem, with the IOTX token playing a central role in realising this vision.
Returns Calculator
Investment Amount
Investment Period
IOTX to Converter


Price as per 03:55 PM • 19 Feb 2025
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What is the price of IoTeX (IOTX)?
The current price of IoTeX (IOTX) in INR is ₹1.65 INR.
What is the current IOTX market cap?
The current market capitalization of IoTeX (IOTX) is ₹15,65,32,53,515.65 INR. This value represents the total market value of all coins in circulation, calculated by multiplying the current price of IOTX by the number of coins in circulation.
What is the current supply of IoTeX (IOTX)?
The current supply of IoTeX (IOTX) is 9441369057 IOTX. This figure represents the total number of coins that have been mined and are currently in circulation.
What is the 24 trading volume of IoTeX (IOTX)?
The 24-hour trading volume of IoTeX (IOTX) in INR is ₹1,22,94,76,162.43. This figure represents the total value of all IOTX transactions across various exchanges within the last 24 hours.
How to Buy IoTeX (IOTX) in India?
To buy IoTeX (IOTX) via Mudrex, simply sign up and create an account on their platform. Proceed by completing the KYC process to verify your identity. Once verified, deposit funds into your account using the available methods. With your account funded, you're all set to start investing in IOTX.
Can I buy IoTeX (IOTX) with UPI?
Yes, you can buy IoTeX (IOTX) with UPI on Mudrex, which accepts payments through popular UPI apps like Paytm, PhonePe, and Google Pay, offering a convenient and quick way to invest.
How to Convert IoTeX (IOTX) to Indian Rupee (INR)?
To convert IoTeX (IOTX) to Indian Rupee (INR), you can use our IOTX/INR conversion rates in real time.