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24H Low ₹22.29

24H High ₹23.59

Price of MINA today

The current live price of MINA today is ₹22.73, with a 24-hour trading volume of ₹1,78,75,14,569.10. Our MINA to INR price is updated in real-time. MINA has seen a increment of 2.77% in the last 24 hours. With a live market cap of ₹27,98,07,75,837.66 , the circulating supply is at 1,219,921,035 MINA coins, with a maximum supply of 1,219,921,035MINA coins.

Mina Price History

Date ComparisonAmount Change% Change


7 Days-₹4.91


30 Days-₹9.88


1 Year-₹107.68


Mina Price Information

Price Change (1hr)


Price Change (24hr)


Price Change (7d)


Mina Market Stats

Market Cap


Fully Diluted Market Cap


24hr Volume



Circulating Supply

1219921034.84 MINA

Total Supply

1219921034.84 MINA

Things to know about Mina

What is Mina (MINA)?

  • Mina Protocol (MINA) is a minimal “succinct blockchain” designed to reduce computational requirements to run DApps more efficiently.

  • It is known as the world's lightest blockchain.

  • MINA maintains constant size despite usage growth.

  • It balances security and decentralisation.


  • Native cryptocurrency: MINA.

  • They are used for transactions, staking, and zk-SNARK proofs on the Proof-of-Stake network.

Market Data

As of today #{today’s date}, the price of Mina is ₹22.73 INR or 0.2512 USD, with a 24-hour trading volume of 19751542.2 USD. The market capitalisation for Mina is 309179843.51USD. The circulating supply is 1219921034.84 Mina, with the total supply also being 1219921034.84 Mina.

Pros and Cons


  • Mina’s blockchain size is only 22 KB, significantly smaller than other blockchains, making it more accessible for users to run full nodes.

  • It utilises zero-knowledge proofs (zk-SNARKs) to maintain privacy and security while enabling scalability.

  • The proof-of-stake consensus mechanism is less energy-intensive compared to the proof-of-work mechanism.


  • As a newer blockchain, it may have a different level of adoption and network effects than more established blockchains.

  • The reliance on advanced cryptographic techniques like zk-SNARKs may present challenges regarding broader understanding and trust among potential users.

Why Should You Invest in the Coin?

  • Innovative lightweight blockchain approach.

  • It increased scalability, accessibility, privacy, and security.

  • It uses zero-knowledge proofs.

USP of the Coin

  • Constant-size blockchain of only 22 KB.

  • It enables easy validation of transactions, promoting decentralisation and security.

Problem the Coin is Solving

  • MINA addresses scalability and privacy issues of traditional blockchains.

  • It allows running full nodes easily and securely without revealing data.

Founder and Team Background

  • MINA was developed by O(1) Labs, focusing on secure, decentralised, efficient cryptographic protocols.

  • Co-founders: Evan Shapiro (UC Berkeley, ex-Mozilla) and Izaak Meckler (UC Berkeley, mathematics and cryptography).

  • Team expertise in software development, blockchain, business development, and marketing.

ICO Price

  • ICO dates:

  • 13th April to 16th April, 2021.

  • Price

  • : $0.25 per token.

  • Community sale:

  • 75,000,000 tokens, $50-$500 limits, unlock on 31st May, 2021.

  • Uncapped sale:

  • Unsold tokens, $50+ limits, 24-month linear release starting 31st May, 2021.

  • Raised $18.75 million.

Risks Associated in Investing in the Coin

  • Market volatility, regulatory changes, technological challenges.

  • Competition from other blockchains.

  • The project's short history and complex technology.

Whitepaper Insights

The Mina Protocol whitepaper outlines a new blockchain design that addresses the scalability issues of traditional blockchains. Traditional blockchains, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, store hundreds of gigabytes of data, which grows over time as more transactions are added. This growth makes it increasingly difficult for individuals to run full nodes, leading to centralisation as only those with significant resources can participate in the network’s validation process.

Mina Protocol introduces a succinct blockchain that maintains a fixed size of about 22 KB, regardless of the number of transactions processed. This is achieved through recursive zk-SNARKs, a form of zero-knowledge proofs that allow the network to replace the entire blockchain with a small snapshot. This snapshot proves the transactions' validity and the blockchain's current state without requiring nodes to process or store the entire chain.

The whitepaper explains that each user can act as a full node, syncing with the network quickly and validating transactions from the genesis block. This approach ensures a high degree of decentralisation and security, as the barrier to participation is significantly lowered.

Mina’s consensus mechanism is based on Ouroboros Samasika, a Proof-of-Stake protocol that allows for a predictable and consistent issuance of new coins to secure the network. The protocol is designed to resist long-range attacks and provides bootstrapping from a genesis block with succinct blockchain arguments.

The whitepaper also discusses the economics of the Mina Protocol, including the distribution of MINA tokens and the incentivisation model for participants. MINA is used for transaction fees, block rewards, and as a means for users to participate in the network’s governance.

Mina Protocol’s use of zk-SNARKs enables the creation of zkApps, smart contracts that leverage zero-knowledge proofs to ensure data privacy while allowing for verifiable computation. This opens up a range of applications, such as private voting, verified credentials, and more, without compromising user privacy.

The whitepaper emphasises the importance of a decentralised network where participants have control over their data and privacy. Mina Protocol aims to create a more secure and accessible blockchain, enabling a wide range of use cases while addressing the limitations of existing blockchain architectures.

In summary, the Mina Protocol whitepaper presents a novel approach to blockchain technology, focusing on scalability, privacy, and decentralisation. By maintaining a constant blockchain size and leveraging zero-knowledge proofs, Mina Protocol offers a platform for building decentralised applications that protect user data and provide a high level of security and accessibility.

Returns Calculator

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MINA to Converter






Price as per 04:49 AM • 13 Mar 2025

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What is the price of Mina (MINA)?

The current price of Mina (MINA) in INR is ₹22.73 INR.

What is the current MINA market cap?

The current market capitalization of Mina (MINA) is ₹27,98,07,75,837.66 INR. This value represents the total market value of all coins in circulation, calculated by multiplying the current price of MINA by the number of coins in circulation.

What is the current supply of Mina (MINA)?

The current supply of Mina (MINA) is 1219921034.84 MINA. This figure represents the total number of coins that have been mined and are currently in circulation.

What is the 24 trading volume of Mina (MINA)?

The 24-hour trading volume of Mina (MINA) in INR is ₹1,78,75,14,569.10. This figure represents the total value of all MINA transactions across various exchanges within the last 24 hours.

How to Buy Mina (MINA) in India?

To buy Mina (MINA) via Mudrex, simply sign up and create an account on their platform. Proceed by completing the KYC process to verify your identity. Once verified, deposit funds into your account using the available methods. With your account funded, you're all set to start investing in MINA.

Can I buy Mina (MINA) with UPI?

Yes, you can buy Mina (MINA) with UPI on Mudrex, which accepts payments through popular UPI apps like Paytm, PhonePe, and Google Pay, offering a convenient and quick way to invest.

How to Convert Mina (MINA) to Indian Rupee (INR)?

To convert Mina (MINA) to Indian Rupee (INR), you can use our MINA/INR conversion rates in real time.

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